Parent/Carer & Pupil Voice
This is our page for all parents/carers and pupils to share their views and opinions.
We have recently completed our Spring Term Parent Survey, we want to thank all of our families who have took part.
When staff read all of the overwhelmingly positive comments left by parents, we were so delighted. You have made us feel so loved, cared for and valued and we want our families to feel the same!
Our next Parent survey takes place in the Summer term, W/C 02.06.25
Our next Pupil survey takes place in the Summer term, W/C 02.06.25
Parent and pupil surveys are received directly by the school, whilst the Ofsted parent view is received directly by Ofsted.
As part of a multi-academy trust, we are responsible for consulting with the wider school community, which includes our families, pupils, staff and the local community the school is set within.