Governor Information

Welcome, on behalf of the Governing Committee 

Hello and welcome to the Local Governing Committee section of our school website.

On the following pages you will get the opportunity to learn a bit more about the Local Governing Committee, who we are, how we’re structured and what we do.

If you ever would like to get in touch with the chair, you are more than welcome to email the chair using the school email address


Governors - Roles and Responsibilities

Evelyn Street Primary’s local governing committee helps to promote high standards of educational achievement and pastoral care, working with the executive headteacher on planning, policies and procedures that will help to achieve those aims.

As our school is part of the Warrington Primary Academy Trust family our governing committee works closely with trust colleagues to ensure that we have the resources and staffing needed to deliver an outstanding education to our children.

Our committee – made up of parent governors, elected by the parents of pupils at the school, staff governors including the Executive headteacher, local authority appointed governors and community governors – set staffing levels, agree the school budget, ensure that a broad and balanced curriculum is delivered, monitor health and safety of pupils, staff and visitors, and oversee the management of the school premises.

Minutes from Evelyn Street Local Governing Committee meetings are available upon request through the school.


Register of Pecuniary Interests

Click here to view our Register of Pecuniary Interests and additional governor information.

Governor Diversity Information

Louise Smith
CEO of WPAT, Executive Headteacher, NLE

Louise Smith

Hi, I'm Louise, I'm the Executive Headteacher here at Evelyn Street, CEO of the multi academy trust of which we are a member, a National Leader of Education (NLE) and active Ofsted Inspector. I have worked in Education all my career. I am passionate about improving the life-chances of all pupils, through the belief of high expectations for them, and delivering excellence through teaching and learning.

Louise George
Staff Governor

Louise George

My name is Louise and I have been working full time in Primary education for over 22 years, after completing a PGCE. I am one of the assistant headteachers, the lead for lower keystage two, curriculum lead and class 5/6 teacher. I am passionate about helping our children to achieve their full potential and fully believe in our core value 'Children First'.

Kath Whitehouse
Safeguarding Governor

Kath Whitehouse

My Name is Katherine Whitehouse and I am a parent governor at your school. My son attended Evelyn Street Primary school from Nursery all the way through to Year 6. He has enjoyed his time at Evelyn street and he has done exceptionally well in his SATs thanks to all the hard work and patience from the staff. I am a Deputy Principal at a primary school in Knowsley so I have a keen interest in what goes on at Evelyn Street Primary School. We live locally and have interests in the local community which include our local church, football club and rugby. I feel that Evelyn Street Primary School is a place you should be proud of with exceptional staff providing a quality education that really prepares our children well for the next stage in their education.

Vikki Hearn
WPAT / Data Governor

Vikki Hearn

My name is Vikki Lovato and I work as the Data Manager for the Multi-Academy Trust. I've worked in education for over 14 years in a number of Local Authorities and have worked within WPAT since 2017. I'm passionate about helping people to make the most out of the data and the systems that we have, enabling teachers to spend less time on the data churn and more time teaching and supporting the children.

Claire Ward
Co-Opted Governor / SEND & Pupil Premium Governor

Claire Ward

My name is Claire and I am 28 years old. I was born and currently live in Liverpool with my family. I am a Co-opted Governor here at Evelyn Street Primary School along with another Primary School within the Warrington Primary Academy Trust. I am approaching my 7th year as a Primary School Teacher and have had the pleasure of teaching every year group within Primary and Early Years Education. Having taught in a Primary School in Warrington for four years, I now teach Year 6 in a Halton Primary School where I also lead Physical Education, Religious Education, the Relationships Curriculum and PSHE. I am very passionate about my career and have achieved the following qualifications in Higher Education; a First Class BA (Hons) degree in Early Years Professional Practice and Leadership, the Early Years Teacher Status, the Post Graduate Certificate in Primary Education, the Master Middle Leadership Qualification, a Masters of Arts in Educational Leadership and the Chartered Management Institute Award in Strategic Leadership. Evelyn Street is a fantastic place to be and I am very excited for my time as a governor here, where we can work together to make a difference to the lives of the children.

Adam Lechmere
Parent Governor / Behaviour and RSE Governor

Adam Lechmere

My name is Adam Lechmere and I am a parent governor at Evelyn Street Primary. My daughter attends the school, and my son is due to start nursery soon. My daughter really enjoys her time at school. As a parent, my interest is obviously in ensuring that the school continues to provide a quality education that provides a diverse range of skills and learning opportunities. I am a strategy manager at United Utilities PLC, leading on the development of long-term strategic direction for the water company, specialising in resilience. Using the skills I have developed in my professional career, I will be able to provide assistance, guidance and challenge to the school board to ensure that continuous progress is pursued and achieved.

Joshua Rowlands
Co-opted / Finance Governor

Joshua Rowlands

My name is Joshua Rowlands. I was born in West Sussex in 1996, before moving to Cheshire at the age of four. After attending primary and secondary schools in Holmes Chapel, I studied Mechanical Engineering at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh between 2015-2020 and graduated with a master’s degree. I currently live in Glasgow with my partner who I met at university. Since September 2020, I have worked as an engineer at BP, with a variety of responsibilities: ensuring the mechanical integrity of equipment, carrying out reliability assessments, and engaging with vendors to ensure our operations are as safe as possible. My biggest passion is motorsport, namely Formula 1, NASCAR and British Touring Cars. I never miss a race! I am also an avid reader and can often be found with my head buried in either a history or science fiction book. As someone who has recently left full-time education, I am acutely aware of the importance of a high-quality learning environment for students. I hope to use my time at WPAT to learn about governance and meaningfully contribute to the education of the children at Evelyn Street Primary School.

Meena Mour
Evelyn Street School - Governor Information 


Name Date of Appointment Term of Office ends Position / Link Roles Interests Declared Attendance Record – Board
Louise Smith 17.12.2021 Indefinite Executive Headteacher CEO of WPAT

2023/24: 3/3

2024/25: 1/1

Vikki Hearn 06.02.2024 05.02.2028 WPAT / Data Governor WPAT Data Manager

2022/23: N/A

2023/24: 1/2

2024/25: 1/1

Louise George 25.4.2018 24.4.2026 Staff Governor  

2022/23: 2/2

2023/24: 2/3

2024/25: 1/1

Kath Whitehouse 6.12.2017 5.12.2025 Co-opted Vice Chair / Safeguarding Governor Daughter of Eamonn Kehoe, sister of WPAT CEO

2022/23: 1/2

2023/24: 2/3

2024/25: 1/1

Claire Ward 7.7.2021 6.7.2025 Co-opted / SEND & Pupil Premium Governor Governor at Beamont - other WPAT school

2022/23: 1/2

2023/24: 2/3

2024/25: 1/1

Joshua Rowlands 7.7.2021 6.7.2025 Co-opted / Finance Governor  

2022/23: 2/2

2023/24: 1/3

2024/25: 1/1

Adam Lechmere 8.12.2021 7.12.2025 Parent / Behaviour and RSE Governor  

2022/23: 2/2

2023/24: 2/3

2024/25: 1/1

Meenakshi Mour 10.07.2024 09.07.2028 Co-opted  

2023/24: 1/1

2024/25: 1/1